Trpimir Macan, Date of Birth


Trpimir Macan

Date of Birth: 20-Aug-1935

Profession: historian, lexicographer

Nationality: Croatia

Zodiac Sign: Leo

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About Trpimir Macan

  • Trpimir Macan (born August 20, 1935) is a Croatian historian and lexicographer.He was born in Dubrovnik.
  • He studied history in Zagreb and Sarajevo, where he graduated in 1959.
  • In 1971 he received his Ph.D.
  • in Zagreb with a thesis Life and work of Miho Klaic (Život i rad Miha Klaica ), which was in 1980 published as a monograph titled Miho Klaic.
  • He worked in Metkovic, whence he relocated to Zagreb, and since 1965 he has been working at the Miroslav Krleža Lexicographical Institute as an editor of historical encyclopedias and lexicons.
  • He is the serving Editor-In-Chief of the Croatian Biographical Lexicon (since 1990) and an anthology Biobibliographica (since 2003).His scientific research deals with the history of Dubrovnik and Neretva region.
  • He has authored a number of historical contributions to Croatian history and politicians of the 19th and 20th century (Miho Klaic, Ivan Kukuljevic Sakcinski, Petar Preradovic, Stjepan Radic).
  • He edited Povijest Hrvata od najstarijih vremena do svrÅ¡etka XIX stoljeca ("History of Croats from the earliest times to the end of the nineteenth century"; multiple editions since 1972) by Vjekoslav Klaic, Pregled povijesti hrvatskog naroda ("Review of Croatian history"; 1975) by Ferdo Å iÅ¡ic, Sjecanja ("Memoirs"; 1995) by Zvonimir Vrkljan, Moj životopis (" My biography"; 1996) by Tias Mortigjija, and an anthology Hrvatska i održivi razvitak: humane i odgojne vrednote ("Croatia and sustainable development: the human and educational values"; 1999).

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