Gheorghe Bengescu (Francized Georges Bengesco; August 30, 1848–August 23, 1922) was a Romanian diplomat and man of letters.
The scion of a boyar family, he studied in Paris, earning a doctorate in political and administrative sciences, before returning to Romania.
There, he served as prosecutor and judge for the Ilfov County tribunal and also worked as a French teacher.
Entering the diplomatic service in 1872, he was secretary at the legations in Vienna and London, arriving in the latter city in 1882.
He rose to first secretary in 1885 and legation adviser in 1889.
He was also first secretary in Paris, then legation adviser.
From 1891 to 1898, he was minister plenipotentiary at Brussels, also accredited to The Hague, until he resigned.
His bibliography of Oriental culture was much appreciated by contemporaries, while his studies in Romanian covered Vasile Alecsandri (1886-1888), Queen Elisabeth of Romania (1906) and the literary activity of Golescu family members.
Author: Gheorghe Bengescu Source: [:File:Gheorghe Bengescu - Despre activitatea literara a unor membri ai familiei Golescu în cursul secolului al XIX-lea - discurs scris dar nerostit.pdf] License: Author died more than 70 years ago public domain images CC-PD-Mark