E. Franklin Frazier, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


E. Franklin Frazier

American sociologist

Date of Birth: 24-Sep-1894

Place of Birth: Baltimore, Maryland, United States

Date of Death: 17-May-1962

Profession: writer, university teacher, sociologist

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Libra

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About E. Franklin Frazier

  • Edward Franklin Frazier (; September 24, 1894 – May 17, 1962), was an American sociologist and author, publishing as E.
  • Franklin Frazier.
  • His 1932 Ph.D.
  • dissertation was published as a book titled The Negro Family in the United States (1939); it analyzed the historical forces that influenced the development of the African-American family from the time of slavery to the mid-1930s.
  • The book was awarded the 1940 Anisfield-Wolf Book Award for the most significant work in the field of race relations.
  • It was among the first sociological works on blacks researched and written by a black person. In 1948 Frazier was elected as the first black president of the American Sociological Association.
  • He published numerous other books and articles on African-American culture and race relations.
  • In 1950 Frazier helped draft the UNESCO statement The Race Question. Frazier wrote a dozen books in his lifetime, including The Black Bourgeosie, a critique of the black middle class in which he questioned the effectiveness of African-American businesses to produce racial equality.

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