Theodor Dimitrie Speran?ia (Romanian: [te'odor spe'rant?si.a]; born Theodor Dimitrie Nadejde [te'odor di'mitri.e n?'de?de]; May 4, 1856 – March 9, 1929) was a Romanian playwright, humorist, folklorist and journalist.
Born in Deleni, Ia?i County, his father was D.
Nadejde, a Romanian Orthodox deacon; his son was poet Eugeniu Sperantia; and he was the cousin of political brothers Ioan and Gheorghe Nadejde.
He attended primary school at Târgu Frumos, where a teacher changed Nadejde to Speran?ia (both words, the first Slavic and the second Latin in origin, signify "hope").
He then entered the Veniamin Costachi seminary in Ia?i, which he left under the influence of socialist ideas.
Subsequently, he entered the faculties of science and of literature and philosophy at the University of Ia?i.
Together with the Nadejde brothers and Nicolae Russel, he published the socialist newspaper Besarabia.
He entered the Ia?i socialist circle in 1880 and was one of the founders of its Contemporanul magazine, to which he contributed from 1881 to 1888.
At that point, he moved to Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu's Revista noua.
Together with Zamfir Arbore and ?tefan Besarabeanu, he published Amicul copiilor in 1891.
He enrolled at the University of Liège, where he earned a doctorate in literature and philosophy in 1886.
While there, he became acquainted with the European folklore revival and delved into comparative literature.
He subsequently moved to the Romanian capital Bucharest.
In 1906, in a private capacity, he taught a course on domestic folk literature at the University of Bucharest.Speran?ia made his published debut with poems in Perdaful in 1873.
Publications for which he wrote include Contemporanul, Adevarul, Convorbiri Literare, Diminea?a, Drepturile omului, Familia, Graiul nostru, Literatura ?i arta româna, Munca literara ?i ?tiin?ifica, Noua revista româna, Rampa, Revista noua and Universul literar.
He edited several of his own magazines, including Cascavalul, Tamâia and Revista copiilor.
He published numerous books of entertaining stories (Anecdote populare, 1889; Anecdote afumate, 1898; Anecdote botezate, 1903; Anecdote piperate, 1903; Anecdote noua, 1909; Anecdote marinate, 1911; Anecdote cu minuni, 1918; Anecdote cu noroc, 1918; Anecdote proaspete, 1926), plays (Teatru, I, 1894; Mama soacra..., 1894; De necaz, 1900; Ce face be?ia, 1900; Ce poate lenevia, 1908; Teatru de familie, 1912; Curcanii, 1922; Lânga pamânt, 1922), novels (Feighéla, 1902; Fete de azi, I-II, 1908; Ma-n?ala, 1921), children's stories (Chi?ibu? cel dragu?, 1929) and folklore studies (Introducere în literatura populara româna, 1904; Miori?a ?i calu?arii, 1914).
He was elected a corresponding member of the Romanian Academy in 1891.