Tudor Drăganu, Date of Birth, Date of Death


Tudor Drăganu

Date of Birth: 02-Dec-1912

Date of Death: 21-Aug-2010

Nationality: Romania

Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius

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About Tudor Drăganu

  • Tudor Draganu (December 2, 1912 – August 21, 2010) was a Romanian jurist who specialized in constitutional law. Born in Nasaud, in what was then Austria-Hungary, his father was linguist Nicolae Draganu.
  • After completing primary school in his native town, he went to George Bari?iu High School in Cluj, followed by the law faculty of Cluj University.
  • There, he successively worked as assistant, associate and full professor of constitutional and administrative law.
  • He was elected an honorary member of the Romanian Academy in 2003.

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