Lazar Komarčić, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Lazar Komarčić

Date of Birth: 01-Jan-0001

Place of Birth: Pljevlja, Pljevlja Municipality, Montenegro

Date of Death: 22-Jan-1909

Profession: writer, war correspondent, journalist, science fiction writer

Nationality: Serbia

Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

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About Lazar Komarčić

  • Lazar Komarcic (Komartica, Pljevlja, 9 January 1839 - Belgrade, Kingdom of Serbia, 9 January 1909) was a Serbian pioneer science-fiction writer.
  • He was a novelist, playwright and best known for his profound influence on what was to become later the literary genres of science fiction and crime novels.
  • He was the most read author during the turn of the century, according to literary critic Jovan Skerlic.
  • Unfortunately, science fiction and crime novel writing at the beginning of the 20th century was not considered a literary pursuit and as time passed he was forgotten until the 1970s when his works were revived.

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