Valentin Perko, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Valentin Perko

Date of Birth: 08-Apr-1950

Place of Birth: Ljubljana, Ljubljana City Municipality, Slovenia

Profession: cinematographer

Nationality: Slovenia

Zodiac Sign: Aries

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About Valentin Perko

  • Valentin Perko, Slovenian cinematographer and director of photography, was born April 8, 1950, Ljubljana.
  • He is the son of the painter Lojze Perko, and brother of painter Tomaž Perko and psychologist Andrej Perko. Perko obtained a degree in photography in 1977 at FAMU in Prague, Czech Republic (Filmová a Televizní Fakulta Akademie Múzických Umení v Praze).
  • His career took off as a cinematographer of documentary and commercial films, while also being active in television production.
  • His works include many short and feature films with various directors. Perko's cinematographical expressive style is especially evident in the following films: Dih (1983), Maja in vesoljcek (1988), Do konca in naprej (1990), Triangel (1991), Morana (1993), Ekspres, ekspres (1996), Brezno (1998) and television film Pet majskih dni (1997).
  • He is the cinematographer of awarded experimental film Valcer za Tavžentarjeva dva (1981), followed by Ucna leta izumitelja Polža (1982), Nobeno sonce (1984), Sonce za dva (1986), Cpprnica Zofka (1988), Herzog (1995), Napisan list (2000), and Director of Photography in Petelinji zajtrk (2007).
  • Television films include Paralele (1987), Vaški ucitelj (1993), Steber (1997) and 5 episodes TV series Novi svet (2003). Since 2009 Valentin Perko has worked as a senior lecturer at AGRFT (Slovenian Academy for Theatre, Television, Radio and Film, Ljubljana, Slovenia) and is also Dean of Camera Department.

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