Edgar Cowan, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Edgar Cowan

American politician

Date of Birth: 19-Sep-1815

Place of Birth: Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, United States

Date of Death: 31-Aug-1885

Profession: lawyer, politician

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Virgo

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About Edgar Cowan

  • Edgar Cowan (September 19, 1815 – August 31, 1885) was an American lawyer and Republican politician from Greensburg, Pennsylvania.
  • He represented Pennsylvania in the United States Senate during the American Civil War. A native of Sewickley Township, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, Cowan worked as a carpenter, boatman, and teacher before graduating from Franklin College in New Athens, Ohio in 1839.
  • He studied law with Henry Donnel Foster, was admitted to the bar, and practiced in Greensburg, Pennsylvania.
  • Cowan also became active in politics as a Whig, and campaigned for the party's presidential candidates beginning with William Henry Harrison in 1840.
  • With the demise of the Whigs, Cowan became a Republican in 1855, and supported John C.
  • Frémont for president in the 1856 election. In 1860, Cowan was a delegate pledged to Simon Cameron at the Republican National Convention, and backed Cameron until Cameron gave his support to Abraham Lincoln.
  • In early 1861, Cowan was the Cameron-backed candidate for a U.S.
  • Senate seat, and won the election held by the Pennsylvania legislature.
  • He served one term, 1861 to 1867, and was chairman of the Committee on Patents and the Patent Office for most of his Senate career.
  • Cowan became a supporter of Andrew Johnson's plan for post-Civil War Reconstruction, which cost him the support of Cameron's Republican organization in Pennsylvania.
  • Cowan was defeated for reelection to the Senate, and Radical Republicans who opposed Johnson then blocked Cowan's appointment as U.S.
  • Minister to Austria. After leaving the Senate, Cowan was a supporter of Democratic candidates including Horace Greeley, the Democratic and Liberal Republican nominee for president in 1872 and Democrats Samuel J.
  • Tilden in 1876 and Winfield Scott Hancock in 1880. Cowan became ill with mouth and throat cancer in 1884.
  • He died in Greensburg on August 31, 1885 and was buried at St.
  • Clair Cemetery in Greensburg.

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