Michel Mercier, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Michel Mercier

French politician

Date of Birth: 07-Mar-1947

Place of Birth: Bourg-de-Thizy, Auvergne-RhĂ´ne-Alpes, France

Profession: politician, university teacher

Nationality: France

Zodiac Sign: Pisces

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About Michel Mercier

  • Michel Mercier (born 7 March 1947) is a French politician and who served as Minister of Justice from 2010 until 2012. After studying law and graduation from Jean Moulin University Law school and the Lyon IEP, he taught finance and local government law at the Faculty of Law of Lyon III. Elected Senator from the RhĂ´ne on 24 September 1995, he was the right's official candidate in the municipal elections in 2001 in Lyon, incumbent Mayor Raymond Barre having refused to run for re-election.
  • Arriving behind the right-wing dissident list supported by Charles Millon in his sector, the 5th arrondissement of Lyon, he decided to withdraw in favor of Jean-Michel Dubernard, who established an alliance with Charles Millon.
  • The Socialist GĂ©rard Collomb was elected Mayor of Lyon. He was re-elected Senator on 26 September 2004.
  • General councillor for the canton of Thizy, he is also President of the General Council of RhĂ´ne since February 1990.
  • Treasurer of the UDF, he remained loyal to the opposition of François Bayrou vis-Ă -vis the government of Dominique de Villepin. President of the Centrist Union Senate group since 2002, he remained faithful to François Bayrou by joining the MoDem.
  • On 30 January 2008, Michel Mercier, by favouring an alliance with the UMP in Lyon, whose list was led by Dominique Perben for the 2008 municipal elections signaled his disagreement with the strategy of François Bayrou by resigning the presidency of the MoDem in RhĂ´ne.
  • He remained MoDem treasurer and member of the executive board of the MoDem until his appointment to the government. On 23 June 2009, he joined the government of François Fillon as Minister of Rural Areas and Spatial Planning.
  • He announced his hiatus from the MoDem and was replaced as treasurer by Jean-Jacques JĂ©gou. From 14 November 2010 he is Minister of justice in the 3rd government of François Fillon. After the defeat of Nicolas Sarkozy at the 2012 Presidential election, he was replaced by Christiane Taubira.
  • During his tenure as Minister, he was criticized for his lack of communication.

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