Frank Luntz, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Frank Luntz

American political consultant, author, and pollster

Date of Birth: 23-Feb-1962

Place of Birth: West Hartford, Connecticut, United States

Profession: statistician

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Pisces

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About Frank Luntz

  • Frank Ian Luntz (born February 23, 1962) is an American political and communications consultant, pollster and pundit, best known for developing talking points and other messaging for Republican causes.
  • His work has included assistance with messaging for Newt Gingrich's Contract with America, and public relations support for pro-Israel policies in the Israeli–Palestinian conflict.
  • He advocated use of vocabulary crafted to produce a desired effect; including use of the term death tax instead of estate tax, and climate change instead of global warming. Luntz has frequently contributed to Fox News as a commentator and analyst, as well as running focus groups during and after presidential debates on CBSN.
  • Luntz describes his specialty as "testing language and finding words that will help his clients sell their product or turn public opinion on an issue or a candidate." He is also an author of business books dealing with communication strategies and public opinion.

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