Timothy Bottoms, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Timothy Bottoms

American actor and film producer

Date of Birth: 30-Aug-1951

Place of Birth: Santa Barbara, California, United States

Profession: actor, stage actor, film producer, television actor, film actor

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Virgo

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About Timothy Bottoms

  • Timothy James Bottoms (born August 30, 1951) is an American actor and film producer.
  • He is best known for playing the lead in Johnny Got His Gun; Sonny Crawford in The Last Picture Show where he and his fellow co-stars, Cybill Shepherd and Jeff Bridges, rose to fame; as James Hart, the first-year law student who battles with Prof.
  • Kingsfield, in the film adaptation The Paper Chase; and for playing President George W.
  • Bush multiple times, including on the sitcom That's My Bush! and in the comedy film The Crocodile Hunter: Collision Course and the docudrama DC 9/11: Time of Crisis.

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