Hàn Mặc Tử, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Hàn Mặc Tử

Vietnamese poet

Date of Birth: 22-Sep-1912

Place of Birth: Đồng Hới, Quảng Bình, Vietnam

Date of Death: 11-Nov-1940

Profession: writer, poet

Nationality: Vietnam

Zodiac Sign: Virgo

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About Hàn Mặc Tử

  • Francis Nguy?n Tr?ng Trí, penname Hàn M?c T? (September 22, 1912 - November 11, 1940) was a Vietnamese poet.
  • He was the most celebrated Vietnamese Catholic literary figure during the colonial era.He was born Nguy?n Tr?ng Trí, at L? M? Village, Ð?ng H?i District, Qu?ng Bình Province.
  • His pen names included: Minh Du?, Phong Tr?n, L? Thanh, and finally Hàn M?c T?, by which name is known today.
  • He grew up in a poor family, his father having died when he was young.
  • He showed poetic talent at a young age.
  • When he met Phan B?i Châu, he received encouragement and praise that made him well-known.
  • He contracted leprosy in 1937, and was finally hospitalized at Quy Hòa Hospital in September 1940, where he died two months later. His many poems addressed to real or fictive women - in the manner of Giacomo Leopardi in the West, for example - remain popular, and he is known as a love poet in Vietnam.
  • His poems on folk subjects are also well-known.

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