Til Bikram Nembang Limbu, popularly known as Bairagi Kainla or Bairagi Kaila (Nepali: ?????? ??????); is a senior litterateur of Nepal.
He has served as Chancellor of the Nepal Academy from 2066 BS to 2070 BS.
Part of his significant literary struggle was the Tesro Aayam (Third Dimension) movement.
During the early 1960s, he with Ishwor Ballav and Indra Bahadur Rai searched unexplored realms of Nepali literature.
They added a new dimension – the third dimension – to Nepalese literature.He is currently working in the field of Folklore of Limbu ethnic people of Eastern Nepal.
He is also working to promote the culture, language and literature of the minor community, nationalities and indigenous people of Nepal.
Bairagi Kainla was nominated as a member of the Royal Nepal Academy in 1990.