Walter Maurer (artist), Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Walter Maurer (artist)

German artist

Date of Birth: 20-Mar-1942

Place of Birth: Dachau, Bavaria, Germany

Profession: artist, designer

Nationality: Germany

Zodiac Sign: Pisces

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About Walter Maurer (artist)

  • Walter Maurer (Walter Helmut Maurer) (March 20, 1942 in Dachau, Bavaria, Germany) is a German designer and university lecturer, who is an important representative of modern cubism and expressionism in Germany. In his artworks, he often explains ethic issues against racism and extremism.
  • He was also an artistic partner of Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein and Frank Stella.
  • He also competed in motorsport in the Deutsche Rennsport Meisterschaft, Supercup, and World Sportscar Championship.

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