Pascal Chretien, Date of Birth


Pascal Chretien

electric helicopter pilot

Date of Birth: 07-Apr-1968

Profession: engineer, inventor, aerospace engineer, helicopter pilot

Nationality: France

Zodiac Sign: Aries

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About Pascal Chretien

  • Pascal ChrĂ©tien (born 7 April 1968) is a French-Australian commercial helicopter pilot and engineer with degrees in electronics and aerospace who designed, built and test flew the world’s first manned electric helicopter the Solution F/Chretien Helicopter on 12 August 2011.
  • The helicopter, built for the French company Solution F, set a Guinness World Record and received the IDTechEx Electric Vehicles Land Sea & Air award.ChrĂ©tien has been pioneering electromagnetic transmissions and hybrid propulsion applied to aircraft since 2002 and holds several patents in the field.
  • ChrĂ©tien obtained commercial helicopter pilot licences in Canada and Australia, in 1993 and 1994, respectively.
  • He has aerial work and aircraft testing experience.

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