Meyer Israel Bresselau, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Meyer Israel Bresselau

German Reform leader

Date of Birth: 25-Apr-1785

Place of Birth: Hamburg, Germany

Date of Death: 25-Dec-1839

Profession: rabbi, notary

Nationality: Germany

Zodiac Sign: Taurus

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About Meyer Israel Bresselau

  • Meyer Israel Bresselau (25 April 1785 – 25 December 1839) was a founding member and chairman of the Hamburg Temple, one of the first Jewish reform congregations in Germany. Bresselau earned his living as notary from 1811.
  • He was among the first members of the New Israelite Temple Society, founded 1817.
  • He was co-editor of the temple's prayer book Seder ha Avodah, which contained a German translation and German prayers along with the traditional Hebrew prayers and is considered the first Reform liturgy.
  • It was firmly opposed by Orthodox rabbis for omissions in the prayer text.
  • In defense of his work Bresselau wrote in 1819 Ueber die Gebete der Israeliten in der Landessprache ("About the Jewish Prayers in the National Language").
  • The same year he wrote a polemic satire in Hebrew cherev noqemet neqam berît in defense of the position of the temple.
  • An annotated translation of this work was written by Donald B.
  • Rossoff as a rabbinic thesis (Hebrew Union College - Jewish Institute of Religion, 1981).

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