Erika Mitterer (1906–2001) was an Austrian writer.
When she was 18, in 1924, she began writing poems to Rainer Maria Rilke, who wrote back with approximately fifty poems of his own, and called her verse a "Herzlandschaft" (landscape of the heart).
She wrote about 117 poems to him in all.
This was the only time Rilke had a productive poetic collaboration throughout all his work.
She also visited Rilke.
When she was 24 her first volume of poems was published; it was well-received, and Stefan Zweig called her "a great poet".
During the time of Nazi Germany she wrote for the periodical Das innere Reich, and also published the novel The Prince of Darkness.
In 1950, her "Correspondence in Verse" with Rilke was published, and received much praise.
In 1992 a documentary about her, titled Ericka Mitterer, Das Videoportrait: Dank des Lebens was made.