Ernst von Gemmingen, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Ernst von Gemmingen

German diplomat and composer

Date of Birth: 11-Feb-1759

Place of Birth: Celle, Germany

Date of Death: 03-Mar-1813

Profession: composer, diplomat

Nationality: Germany

Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

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About Ernst von Gemmingen

  • Ernst von Gemmingen (11 February 1759 - 3 March 1813) was a German composer and aristocrat.
  • Born in Celle, von Gemmingen attended the University of Göttingen.
  • He was not a professional composer but was evidently a highly proficient musician.
  • He collected the works of Mozart and Haydn, including a number of first editions.
  • In or around 1800 he composed four concertos for violin and orchestra, his only major extant compositions, the autograph copies of which were discovered in Hornberg Castle, his family's seat, in 1993.
  • The existence of separate orchestral parts for three of the concertos suggests that they were performed in public.

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