Lorenzo Olarte Cullen, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Lorenzo Olarte Cullen

Canarian politician and lawyer

Date of Birth: 08-Dec-1932

Place of Birth: Ponteareas, Galicia, Spain

Profession: politician

Nationality: Spain

Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius

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About Lorenzo Olarte Cullen

  • Lorenzo Olarte Cullen (born 8 December 1932) is a local Canarian politician and lawyer.
  • He is a former president of the Canary island Automous region but served only 3 years of his 4 years term.
  • Olarte is awarded the Gran Cruz de San Raimundo de PeƱafort, the highest honor for a Spanish jurist, the Gran Cruz del MĆ©rito Civil, created by the Spanish King Alfonso XIII, recognizes the services of Spanish and foreign citizens on behalf of Spain, the Gran Cruz del MĆ©rito Militar, for his collaboration in the decolonization of the former Spanish Sahara, the Alfonso X el Sabio, for his contribution to the development of Education and the Gran Collar de las Islas Canarias, the highest honor in the Canary Islands. After the ban on bullfighting in Catalonia, Olarte argued that the 1991 Canarian law of animal protection did not forbid bullfighting against what was being claimed.

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