Jani Christou, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Jani Christou

Greek musician

Date of Birth: 08-Jan-1926

Place of Birth: Heliopolis, Egypt

Date of Death: 08-Jan-1970

Profession: composer

Nationality: Greece

Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

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About Jani Christou

  • Jani Christou (Greek: G?????? ???st??, Giánnis Chri´stou; 8 or 9 January 1926 – 8 January 1970) was a Greek composer. There is some disagreement about Christou's birth, the date of which is given by some authorities as 8 January (Lucciano 2000, xv;Leotsakos 2001), while others state 9 January (Slonimsky 1965, 227; Stewart 1999).
  • Most sources agree that he was born in Heliopolis, Egypt, though one states he was born in Alexandria (Angermann 1994, 14), and it has recently been reported that a birth certificate has been found stating that the composer was born in Nicosia, Cyprus, though this certificate is suspected of being a forgery (Lucciano 2000, xv).
  • His parents were Eleutherios Christou, a Greek industrialist and chocolate manufacturer, and Lilika Tavernari, of Cypriot origin (Lucciano 2000, xv).
  • He was educated at the English School in Alexandria and he took his first piano lessons from various teachers and from the important Greek pianist Gina Bachauer.
  • In 1948 he gained an MA in philosophy after having studied with Ludwig Wittgenstein and Bertrand Russell in King's College, Cambridge (Leotsakos 2001). During that time he also studied music with Hans Redlich and in 1949 travelled to Rome to study orchestration with Angelo Francesco Lavagnino.
  • He briefly attended lectures by Carl Jung in Zurich.
  • In 1951 he returned to Alexandria where he married Theresia Horemi in 1961.
  • He died on or the day before his 44th birthday in a car accident in Athens, Greece (Leotsakos 2001).

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