Philippe Katerine, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Philippe Katerine

French singer

Date of Birth: 08-Dec-1968

Place of Birth: Thouars, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France

Profession: screenwriter, actor, singer, film director, film actor

Nationality: France

Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius

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About Philippe Katerine

  • Philippe Blanchard, aka Philippe Katerine, was born on the 8th December 1968 in Thouars.
  • He is a French singer-songwriter, actor, director and writer who began his career in 1991.
  • Some of his popular singles include "Mon cĹ“ur balance", "Je vous emmerde" and "Louxor j'adore". At the beginning of his career, his musical style was sometimes assimilated to the easy-listening movement by offering music with bossa nova accents accompanied by texts often morbid or anguished and tinged with humor, all sometimes interspersed with audio collages.
  • He also turned to rock, a little bit of electronic music without ever setting aside to be part of the quirky French song.
  • In 2010, he attracted people’s attention as an actor by lending his features to Boris Vian in the biopic Gainsbourg, A Heroic Life, from Joann Sfar.
  • The following year, he was put forward with being headliner of an offbeat comedy, I am a no man's land, Thierry Jousse.
  • He reiterated in 2015, with playing a head of state in Gaz de France, BenoĂ®t Forgeard. At the same time, he essentially became known as a quirky second role from French comedies: La Tour 2 contrĂ´le infernale (2016), by Éric Judor ; Hibou (2016), by Ramzy Bedia ; We are family (2016), by Gabriel Julien-Laferrière ; Le Petit Spirou, by Nicolas Bary ; Sink or Swim (2018), by Gilles Lellouche or The World is Yours (2018), by Romain Gavras. At the 44th CĂ©sar Awards, he received the CĂ©sar Award for Best Actor in a Supporting Role for his performance in Sink or Swim.

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