Ferdinand Büchner, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Ferdinand Büchner

German flutist and compoesr

Date of Birth: 13-Dec-1823

Place of Birth: Bad Pyrmont, Lower Saxony

Date of Death: 01-Jan-1906

Profession: composer, university teacher, music pedagogue

Nationality: Germany

Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius

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About Ferdinand Büchner

  • Ferdinand Büchner (born December 13, 1823, in Bad Pyrmont, Germany; d.
  • 1906 in Moscow) was a German flautist and composer. Ferdinand Büchner began studying the flute at an early age with his father, who played a leading role in the musical life of Bad Pyrmont.
  • He was later taught by the flutist Christian Heinemeyer.
  • He traveled to London, where he had his first public engagement at the age of 13.
  • In 1847 he received an engagement in Berlin, where he remained for three years.
  • In 1850 he traveled to Russia, and was intensely involved in the musical life of St.
  • Petersburg.
  • In 1856 he was appointed principal flute of the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow.
  • He retained the position until shortly before his death.
  • His excellent reputation as a soloist and teacher brought him an appointment as professor at the Moscow Conservatory of Nikolai Rubinstein. Büchner was a virtuoso musician and a composer.
  • He wrote many pieces for the flute, including eight concertos.
  • His finest concerto is considerer to be the one in F minor, Op 38, dedicated to his publisher, Julius Heinrich Zimmermann.

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