Laurent Beauvais, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Laurent Beauvais

French politician

Date of Birth: 24-Jun-1952

Place of Birth: Nogent-le-Rotrou, Centre-Val de Loire, France

Profession: politician, Class A official

Nationality: France

Zodiac Sign: Cancer

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About Laurent Beauvais

  • Laurent Beauvais (born 24 June 1952) is a French politician and the former President of the Regional Council of Lower Normandy.
  • He is a member of the Socialist Party.Born in Nogent-le-Rotrou, Eure-et-Loir, he grew up in Évreux then Mortrée near Argentan (Orne). He joined the Socialist Party at age 21 and he was elected to the Mortrée municipal council in 1977.
  • He worked in the cabinets of various Socialist Research Ministers, and was a member of the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS).
  • He did not run for re-election in Mortrée in 1989, choosing to run on the list of François Doubin (MRG) in Argentan.
  • Following Doubin's election, be became deputy mayor.
  • Elected opposition regional councillor in 1998, elected to lead the Communauté de communes of Argentan in 2001, he finally became vice-president of the Lower Normandy Regional Council; responsible for Education, Higher Education and Research under Socialist President Philippe Duron. Following Philippe Duron's election as Mayor of Caen, he succeeded him as President of the Regional Council.
  • He will run for a full term in his own right as the PS' top candidate in the region in the 2010 regional elections.

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