Guido Bruck, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Guido Bruck

Austrian numismatist

Date of Birth: 11-Nov-1920

Place of Birth: Vienna, Austria

Date of Death: 13-Mar-1966

Profession: numismatist

Nationality: Austria

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

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About Guido Bruck

  • Guido Bruck (11 November 1920, Vienna – 13 March 1966, Melk) was an Austrian Numismatist In 1948, he obtained his Doctorate in Philosophy.
  • In the same year, he was appointed to the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna where he worked as a curator until his early death. He is noted for his groundbreaking work "Die spätrömische Kupferprägung", Late Roman Copper Coinage, which provides a key to coins of the late Roman period through its analysis of the iconography present on the Obverse and reverse, allowing an identification even in the case of worn mintmarks.
  • This work has served as a basis for other studies and is frequently cited as a resource for the identification of worn late Roman coins.
  • It was re-edited and translated into English in 2014, under the title "Late Roman Bronze Coinage – An attribution guide for poorly preserved coins".

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