John Wesley (artist), Date of Birth, Place of Birth


John Wesley (artist)

American painter

Date of Birth: 25-Nov-1928

Place of Birth: Los Angeles, California, United States

Profession: artist, painter

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius

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About John Wesley (artist)

  • John Wesley is a pop artist.
  • The spareness of his technique often seems more akin to the school known as Minimalism, however, and indeed his closest personal associations were with artists such as Dan Flavin and Donald Judd, the latter of whom wrote a laudatory essay on Wesley's early work and later set aside a space for him at his complex in Marfa, Texas.
  • Wesley himself considers his work to be aligned with Surrealism, and many of his paintings since the 1960s have taken this dimension yet further, while retaining an extremely limited range of colors and a sign-like flatness.

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