James Hamilton Tully (; born 1946) is the Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Political Science, Law, Indigenous Governance and Philosophy at the University of Victoria, Canada.
Tully is also a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada and Emeritus Fellow of the Trudeau Foundation..
He is one of the most influential and distinctive political philosophers writing today.
In May 2014, he was awarded the University of Victoria’s David H.
Turpin Award for Career Achievement in Research.
In 2010, he was awarded the prestigious Izaak Walton Killam Memorial Prize and the Thousand Waves Peacemaker Award in recognition of his distinguished career and exceptional contributions to Canadian scholarship and public life.
Also in 2010, he was awarded the C.B.
Macpherson Prize by the Canadian Political Science Association for the "best book in political theory written in English or French" in Canada 2008-10 for his 2008 two-volume Public Philosophy in a New Key.
He completed his doctorate at the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom and now teaches at the University of Victoria.
His research and teaching comprise a public philosophy that is grounded in place (Canada) yet reaches out to the world of civic engagement with the problems of our time.
He does this in ways that strive to contribute to dialogue between academics and citizens.
For example, his research areas include the Canadian experience of coping with the deep diversity of multicultural and multinational citizenship; relationships between indigenous and non-indigenous people; and the emergence of citizenship of the living earth as the ground of sustainable futures.