Zak Yacoob, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Zak Yacoob

South African judge

Date of Birth: 03-Mar-1948

Place of Birth: Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

Profession: judge, lawyer

Nationality: South Africa

Zodiac Sign: Pisces

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About Zak Yacoob

  • Zakeria Mohammed "Zak" Yacoob (born 3 March 1948) is an anti-apartheid activist and a former Justice of the Constitutional Court of South Africa.
  • He was appointed to the bench in 1998 by Nelson Mandela.
  • He briefly served as Acting Deputy Chief Justice during the long-term leave of Dikgang Moseneke.
  • He became blind at 16 months due to meningitis and attended Durban's Arthur Blaxall School for the Blind from 1956 to 1966.
  • From 1967 to 1969 he studied for a Bachelor of Arts degree at the University College for Indians after which he completed his LLB degree at the University of Durban-Westville in 1972.
  • He married in 1970, and has two adult children (a daughter and a son).
  • He has lived in Durban, South Africa almost all his life.

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