Franz Gabriel Fiesinger, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Franz Gabriel Fiesinger

German copperplate engraver and painter

Date of Birth: 07-Feb-1752

Place of Birth: Offenburg, Baden-WĂĽrttemberg, Germany

Date of Death: 02-Feb-1807

Profession: painter, copperplate engraver

Nationality: Germany

Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

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About Franz Gabriel Fiesinger

  • Franz Gabriel Fiesinger or Flesinger (12 March 1723 – 21 February 1807) was a German engraver. He was born in Offenburg and raised by Jesuits until the order was dissolved in 1773.
  • He spent the rest of his youth in Germany under the painter Franz S.
  • Stöber, before moving to Switzerland and then France, where he engraved portraits of members of the National Convention.
  • When the Reign of Terror broke out he moved to London, remaining there until 1798 and the birth of the French Consulate.
  • He returned to France, where he reproduced in medallion format the portraits by Jean-Urbain GuĂ©rin of KlĂ©ber, Desaix, MassĂ©na, RĂ©gnier and other Republican generals.
  • He also produced illustrations for the physiognomy of Lavater and engraved several assignats for the mint.
  • He moved back to London in 1802, dying there five years later.

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