Rasa Kaušiūtė, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Rasa Kaušiūtė

Lithuanian singer

Date of Birth: 29-Mar-1977

Place of Birth: Panevėžys, Panevėžys County, Lithuania

Profession: singer, vocal coach

Nationality: Lithuania

Zodiac Sign: Aries

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About Rasa Kaušiūtė

  • Rasa Kaušiute (born March 29, 1977) is a Lithuanian singer, composer, and vocal teacher (works at Lithuanian Youth Center and prepares children for various song contests). In 2000 she released her first album “Apie ka tu galvoji” (“What are you thinking of”) with an experimental dance band “Enter-TOP”. Rasa became famous in 2004, when she successfully appeared in the national selection to the Eurovision Song Contest 2004 with her song He forgot that I'm his baby. Rasa Kaušiute participated in many Lithuanian TV shows.
  • She performed in LTV show called “Lietuvos Dainu Dešimtukas” (“Lithuanian TOP 10”) (in 2006 she won the 2nd place in the final performing a song “Mano Meile” (“My Love”) together with Robertas Kupstas).
  • She also participated in the show “Iššukis žvaigždems“ („A challenge for the stars“) several times. In 2006 Rasa appeared in a popular TV show “Klase” (“Class”) on LTV. She participated in various international song contests – “Astana” in 2005 (Kazakhstan), “Canzoni Del Mondo” (Italy). Now Rasa is performing with duet “Ladies” and together with her band.

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