Morten Haga Lunde, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Morten Haga Lunde

Date of Birth: 20-Dec-1960

Place of Birth: Os, Hordaland, Norway

Profession: military officer, navigator

Nationality: Norway

Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius

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About Morten Haga Lunde

  • Morten Haga Lunde (born 20 December 1960) is a Norwegian military officer.
  • He graduated from the Norwegian Air Force Academy in 1987, and from the NATO Defense College in 2002.
  • He was appointed head of Norwegian Joint Headquarters in 2013, with the rank of lieutenant general.In 2015 he was appointed head of the Norwegian Intelligence Service.
  • He received the Nynorsk User of the Year award in 2017.

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