Fulvio Conti, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Fulvio Conti


Date of Birth: 28-Oct-1947

Place of Birth: Rome, Lazio, Italy

Profession: entrepreneur

Nationality: Italy

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

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About Fulvio Conti

  • Cav.
  • Fulvio Conti (born Rome, 28 October 1947) is an Italian financier. He joined Enel in 1999 as Chief Financial Officer.
  • As CEO he finalized the acquisition of the Slovak utility, Slovenkse Elektrarne and he successfully achieved the takeover of Endesa, the leading power company in Spain and Latin America as well as the takeover of the Russian power company OGK 5. He started his career at Mobil Oil where, in 1989, was appointed Chief Financial Officer at Mobil Oil Europe in London.
  • In 1991 he headed the Administration Finance and Control for Europe at the American company Campbell. One year later he came back to Italy as Chief Financial Officer at Montecatini and in 1993, he joined the Parent company Montedison-Compart.
  • In 1996, he was appointed General Director as well as Chief Financial Officer at Ferrovie dello Stato, the Italian Railways company. In 1998, he joined Telecom Italia as General Director and Board Member of TIM and other major companies of the Group.
  • He also had the position of Chief Financial Officer. He has a degree in Economics at “La Sapienza” University, Rome.
  • In 2007, he was awarded with the Doctor Honoris Causa degree in Electrical Engineering, from Genoa University. He is a lecturer of Corporate Finance at the MBA, School of Economics of the LUISS University, Rome. In May 2009, he was appointed “Cavaliere del Lavoro” of the Italian Republic and in December of the same year he became “Officier de la LĂ©gion d’Honneur “of the French Republic. He sits in the Board of Directors of the UK financial services Group Barclays plc, the US insurance Group AON and of the National Academy of Santa Cecilia.
  • He is Chairman of EURELECTRIC and deputy Chairman of Endesa. He has been Chief Executive Officer and General Director of Enel from May 2005 until May 2014.

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