Paul Hersey, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Paul Hersey

American academic

Date of Birth: 26-Jan-1931

Place of Birth: Brooklyn, New York, United States

Date of Death: 18-Dec-2012

Profession: writer, businessperson, economist

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

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About Paul Hersey

  • Paul Hersey (26 January 1931 - December 18, 2012) was a behavioral scientist and entrepreneur.
  • He was best known for conceiving Situational Leadership.
  • Hersey published Management of Organization Behavior, which is now in its ninth edition.Hersey taught about training and development in leadership, management, and selling.
  • He was also a consultant to industrial, government, and military organizations.Hersey was born in 1931 to Ralph Emerson Hersey and Beatrice Bromell.
  • He was a Distinguished Professor of Leadership Studies at Nova Southeastern University.
  • He had been a faculty member of Northern Illinois University, California State University, Chico, University of Arkansas, and Ohio University.
  • He also served in the roles of Chairman of the Department of Management and Dean of the School of Business.
  • Hersey had also served as Project Director for the Industrial Relations Center of the University of Chicago, Training Director at Kaiser Aluminum & Chemical Company, and Department Head at Sandia Corporation.Hersey's works included Management of Organizational Behavior: Utilizing Human Resources, Organizational Change through Effective Leadership and Selling: A Behavioral Science Approach.
  • His most recent books included The Situational Leader, Situational Selling, Situational Service: Customer Care for the Practitioner, and Situational Parenting.Hersey contributed to the Isolobella lecture series at Alliant International University in San Diego, hosted by Symlog.
  • He received degrees from various institutions including a Doctorate of Education from the University of Massachusetts Amherst, M.B.A.
  • Degrees from the Universities of Arkansas and Chicago, and a B.S.
  • Degree from Seton Hall University.In the 1960s, Hersey established the Center for Leadership Studies, which provides training in Situational Leadership, as well as Situational Coaching, Parenting, and Selling.
  • Hersey credits Douglas McGregor and Carl Rogers as being foundational to his early thinking on management and leadership.Hersey married his wife Suzanne in 1968 in Pleasants, West Virginia.
  • and was known colloquially as 'Doc'.

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