Jean-Marie Le Roux, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Jean-Marie Le Roux

French mathematician

Date of Birth: 04-Apr-1863

Place of Birth: Prat, Brittany, France

Date of Death: 01-Jan-1949

Profession: mathematician, university teacher

Nationality: France

Zodiac Sign: Aries

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About Jean-Marie Le Roux

  • Jean-Marie Le Roux (4 April 1863, Prat, CĂ´tes-d'Armor – 1949, Rennes) was a French applied mathematician. Le Roux, the son of farmers, studied at the University of Rennes and, possibly, at the University of Bordeaux.
  • He was an instructor at Guingamp from 1882 to 1889, a professor at the lycĂ©e at Brest from 1889 to 1896, and a professor at the lycĂ©e at Montpellier from 1896 to 1898.
  • At the University of Rennes he became in 1898 a maĂ®tre de confĂ©rences and in 1902 a professor of applied mathematics.
  • He retired there in 1933 as professor emeritus with the title of professeur honoraire.
  • He passed his agrĂ©gation examination in mathematics in 1889.
  • He received his doctorate in 1894 at the Sorbonne, with Gaston Darboux, Gabriel Koenigs and Paul Appell on his thesis committee.
  • The title of Le Roux's doctoral dissertation is Sur les intĂ©grales des Ă©quations linĂ©aires aux dĂ©rivĂ©es partielles du second ordre Ă  deux variables indĂ©pendantes.Le Roux did research on partial differential equations, integral equations, and differential geometry.
  • For the French edition of Klein's encyclopedia he edited the article Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie by Emanuel Czuber.
  • In 1924 Le Roux was a Plenary Speaker at the ICM in Toronto.Le Roux was a critic of Einstein's theory of relativity.
  • In 1923 in a newspaper article, he expressed a very negative opinion of relativity theory.
  • He was one of the authors of the 1931 book Hundert Autoren gegen Einstein.Le Roux married in 1897.

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