Duncan Glen, Date of Birth, Date of Death


Duncan Glen

British writer

Date of Birth: 11-Jan-1933

Date of Death: 20-Sep-2008

Profession: poet, editor

Nationality: United Kingdom

Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

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About Duncan Glen

  • Professor Duncan Munro Glen (11 January 1933 – 20 September 2008) was a Scottish poet, literary editor and Emeritus Professor of Visual Communication at Nottingham Trent University.
  • He became known to the literary world through his first full-length book, Hugh MacDiarmid and the Scottish Renaissance.
  • He published many collections of poetry, from Kythings and other poems (1969), In Appearances (1971) and Realities Poems (1980) to Selected Poems 1965–1990 (1991), Selected New Poems 1987–1996 (1998) and Collected Poems 1965–2005 (2006).
  • His Autobiography of a Poet was published by Ramsay Head Press in 1986.
  • He edited Akros magazine through 51 numbers from August 1965 and did much to promote Scottish poets and artists.
  • He was a friend and early champion of Hugh MacDiarmid and Ian Hamilton Finlay among others, and produced several volumes of poetry, some of which was translated into Italian.

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