Van Amburgh (1808–1865) was an American animal trainer who developed the first trained wild animal act in modern times.
By introducing jungle acts into the circus, Van Amburgh paved the way for combining menageries with circuses.
After that, menageries began using equestrian and clown performances in circus rings.
Gradually the distinction between circus and menagerie faded.From the humble beginning of cage-cleaner in the Zoological Institute of New York, Van Amburgh quickly gained notoriety for his acts of daring, for example placing his bare arm and even head inside the jaws of a wild cat.
Also known for his domineering attitude toward his animals, he earned the title “The Lion King.”Despite the disapproval of some for his brutal treatment of animals, Van Amburgh remained very popular and successful, beginning his own menagerie which he took to Europe.
He died a wealthy man, and his name continued to be used in the circus world for more than a century after.