Georg Stadtmüller, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Georg Stadtmüller

German historian

Date of Birth: 17-Mar-1909

Place of Birth: Bürstadt, Hesse, Germany

Date of Death: 01-Nov-1985

Profession: historian, university teacher, historian of Eastern Europe

Nationality: Germany

Zodiac Sign: Pisces

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About Georg Stadtmüller

  • Georg Stadtmüller (Bürstadt, Hessen, March 17, 1909 - Passau, November 1, 1985) was German historian and Albanologist.He studied German history, classic and oriental philology and history in Freiburg in period 1927-1931.
  • He was president of History department on Munich University, specialist for history of European Orient and history of Albanians.
  • In his 1942 work he published the controversial thesis in which he traced the origin of Albanians back to the region of Mat.
  • Stadtmüller and later Stavro Skendi supported the controversial assertion about crypto-religious groups existing in the Balkans in all places where the population converted to Islam.
  • Stadtmüller founded the Albanian Institute in Munich, Germany, in 1963.
  • Stadtmüller is the author of hypothesis that Mat valley was summer pasturage for early Albanians.
  • According to this hypothesis Albanian language does not have loan words for flora and fauna found above 900m because this valley is situated in more than 1,000 m altitude and surrounded by mountains, admitting that flora and fauna found in lower ranges have loanwords originating in Slavic languages.

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