George Abram Miller, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


George Abram Miller

American mathematician

Date of Birth: 31-Jul-1863

Place of Birth: Lehigh County, Pennsylvania, United States

Date of Death: 10-Feb-1951

Profession: mathematician, university teacher, historian of mathematics

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Leo

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About George Abram Miller

  • George Abram Miller (31 July 1863 – 10 February 1951) was an early group theorist. At age 17 Miller began school-teaching to raise funds for higher education.
  • In 1882 he entered Franklin and Marshall Academy, and progressed to Muhlenberg College in 1884.
  • He received his B.A.
  • in 1887 and M.A.
  • in 1890.
  • While a graduate student, Miller was Principal of schools in Greeley, Kansas and then professor of mathematics as Eureka College in Eureka, Illinois.
  • He corresponded with Cumberland University in Lebanon, Tennessee for his Ph.D.
  • in 1892.
  • He then joined Frank Nelson Cole at University of Michigan and began to study groups.
  • In 1895 he went to Europe where he heard Sophus Lie lecture at Leipzig and Camille Jordan at Paris.
  • In 1897 he went to Cornell University as an assistant professor, and in 1901 to Stanford University as associate professor.
  • In 1906 he went to University of Illinois where he taught until retirement in 1931.Miller helped in the enumeration of finite groups of degree 8, 9, and 10.
  • Arthur Cayley had listed 198 groups of degree 8 in 1891, and Miller found two more making the total 200 in 1893.
  • Camille Jordan had given a list for degree 9 in 1872, re-examined by Cole, and brought up to 258 groups by Miller.
  • In 1894 Miller produced a list of 294 intransitive groups of degree 10.
  • In consequence, the Academy of Science of Cracow awarded a prize and "Miller came to prominence in the mathematical world abruptly."Miller was president of the Mathematical Association of America 1921–1922 and gave a plenary address at the International Congress of Mathematicians in 1924 in Toronto.
  • Miller's Collected Works were edited by Henry Roy Brahana and published by University of Illinois Press, the first two volumes appearing in 1935 and 1939.
  • The final three volumes were published in 1946, 1955, and 1959.
  • His doctoral students include H.
  • L.
  • Rietz.

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