Salko Yury (Russian: ?´??? ???´????? ?????´, born 1964) is a Ukrainian visual artist.
He graduated from the Grekov Art College, Odessa, Ukraine in 1984 and Shevchenko Transnistria State University, Tiraspol, Transnistria in 1999.He works in different areas of fine arts such as (painting, graphics, sculpture).
Yuri Salko is a member International Academy of Modern Art, Rome, Italy; Peter's Academy of Arts and Sciences, St.
Petersburg, Russia; International Association "Union of Designers of Transnistria"; International Association of Culture and Art; The National Union of Artists of Moldova; The National Union of Artists of Ukraine, the author and co-organizer of the International Project artists «Kam Art».According to the artist's works were issued stamps with the flora and fauna of Transnistria.