Gerhard Storz, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Gerhard Storz

German politician

Date of Birth: 19-Aug-1898

Place of Birth: Rottenacker, Baden-Württemberg, Germany

Date of Death: 01-Sep-1993

Profession: politician, university teacher

Nationality: Germany

Zodiac Sign: Leo

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About Gerhard Storz

  • Gerhard Storz (19 August 1898 - 30 August 1983) was the son of a Lutheran pastor from Württemberg who at various stages distinguished himself in theatre productions, as a scholar, an educationalist, a politician and an author-journalist, sometimes pursuing one career at a time and sometimes several in combination.
  • Throughout his adult life he liked to see himself as a "language therapist".
  • "Human speech seems to have been encoded, sealed into formulaic structures, and pressed into service for mechanistic operations" ("Menschliche Rede scheint chiffriert worden zu sein, versiegelt in Formeln, hineingepreßt in mechanische Funktionen"), he once wrote.

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