Walter Goffart, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Walter Goffart

American historian

Date of Birth: 22-Feb-1934

Place of Birth: Berlin

Profession: historian, university teacher, medievalist

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Pisces

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About Walter Goffart

  • Walter Andre Goffart (born February 22, 1934), born a Belgian, came to America in 1941, is a historian of the later Roman Empire and the early Middle Ages who specializes in research on the barbarian kingdoms of those periods.
  • He taught for many years in the History Department and Centre for Medieval Studies of the University of Toronto (1960-1999), and is currently a senior research scholar at Yale University. A 1955 graduate of Harvard University, Goffart received his doctorate there in 1961.
  • He is the recipient of numerous distinguished awards and fellowships and was awarded the Haskins Medal of the Medieval Academy of America in 1991 for his book "The Narrators of Barbarian History." Alexander C.
  • Murray edited a Festschrift for Goffart called After Rome's Fall: Narrators and Sources of Early Medieval History (1999).

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