Vincenzo Ortoleva (May 23, 1965, Catania, Italy) is an Italian classical philologist.
Ortoleva studied from 1983 to 1988 Classical Philology at University of Catania.
In 1996 he took his PhD with the dissertation "La tradizione manoscritta della Mulomedicina di Publio Vegezio Renato".
After his teach licence in 2003, he became in 2005 Full Professor of Classical Philology at University of Catania.
His particular fields of research are Greek and Latin literature, text tradition, textual criticism and history of classical scholarship.
He has also discovered several manuscripts of Greek and Latin authors: for instance an anonymous Greek translation of the Disticha Catonis in the Cod.
Monacensis Gr.
551 and unpublished fragments of the Latin writer Pelagonius in Cod.