Otto Dov Kulka, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Otto Dov Kulka

historian, writer and university teacher

Date of Birth: 16-Apr-1933

Place of Birth: Nový Hrozenkov, Zlín Region, Czech Republic

Profession: writer, historian, university teacher

Zodiac Sign: Aries

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About Otto Dov Kulka

  • Otto Dov Kulka (Ôttô Dov Qûlqa; born April 16, 1933 in Nový Hrozenkov, Czechoslovakia) is an Israeli historian, professor emeritus of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
  • His primary areas of specialization are the study of modern antisemitism from the early modern age until its manifestation under the National-Socialist regime as the "Final Solution"; Jewish thought in Europe – and Jews in European thought – from the sixteenth to the twentieth century; Jewish-Christian relations in modern Europe; the history of the Jews in Germany; and the study of the Holocaust.

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