Götz Kubitschek, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Götz Kubitschek

German publisher

Date of Birth: 17-Aug-1970

Place of Birth: Ravensburg, Baden-Württemberg, Germany

Profession: publisher, political activist, opinion journalist

Nationality: Germany

Zodiac Sign: Leo

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About Götz Kubitschek

  • Götz Kubitschek (German pronunciation: [gœt?s 'ku?bit???k]; born 17 August 1970) is a German publisher, journalist and far-right political activist.
  • Kubitschek espouses ethnocentric positions and is one of the most important protagonists of the Neue Rechte (New Right) in Germany.
  • Hailing from the staff of right-wing newspaper Junge Freiheit, Kubitschek is one of the founders of the Neue Rechte think tank Institut für Staatspolitik (Institute for National Policy; IfS).
  • Since 2002, he is the manager of his self-founded publishing house Antaios, since 2003 chief editor of the journal Sezession, as well as editor of the corresponding blog Sezession im Netz. He initiated several small-scale rightist political campaigns like the Konservativ-Subversive Aktion (KSA) and Ein Prozent für unser Land (One Percent For Our Country).
  • According to observers, he was also instrumental in the conceptual consolidation of the German branch of the Identitarian movement, commonly viewed as far-right.
  • In 2015, he appeared several times as the main speaker at rallies of the right-wing populist PEGIDA movement in the German state of Saxony.
  • Furthermore, he is in contact with East German members of the right-wing populist Alternative for Germany (AfD) party.

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