Linda Bakke, Date of Birth


Linda Bakke

Date of Birth: 19-Aug-1973

Profession: singer, musician

Nationality: Norway

Zodiac Sign: Leo

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About Linda Bakke

  • Linda Bakke (born 19 August 1973) is a Norwegian artist, residing in Stange. She is a graduate of Oslo Tegne and Maleskole (a drawing and painting school in Oslo) (1991–1994) and Vestlandets kunstakademi in Bergen (1994–1998).
  • The latter was an art academy that became Bergen Academy of Art and Design in 1996.
  • She also worked as a stonemason assistant for BÃ¥rd Breivik. Bakke has worked in wide-ranging fields of art, including sculpture, drawing, painting and photography, and has been responsible for a number of public artworks.
  • Among them is The Big Elk.

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