Mohammed Benzakour, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Mohammed Benzakour

Dutch politician

Date of Birth: 10-Jan-1972

Place of Birth: Nador, Morocco

Profession: writer, poet, columnist, journalist

Nationality: Kingdom of the Netherlands

Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

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About Mohammed Benzakour

  • Mohammed Benzakour (born 10 January 1972 in Nador, Morocco) is a Moroccan-Dutch columnist, essayist, poet, writer and politician.
  • He is the third child in a family of five.
  • At age three, he and mother and siblings settle in Zwijndrecht, Netherlands, where his father worked.
  • He graduated from high school at vwo level and studied sociology at Leiden University and later political science and moved to Rotterdam to finish his master.
  • Meanwhile, he joined the Labour Party.
  • He started his journalism career working for De Volkskrant and also published in NRC Handelsblad, De Groene Amsterdammer and Vrij Nederland.
  • He received the ASN Media Prize in 1999 and the Silver Zebra in 2001 for insights in a 'society in motion'.
  • He later published two books, Abou Jahjah: Nieuwlichter of Oplichter.
  • De demonisering van een politiek rebel in 2004 and Osama's Grot, Allah, Holland en ik, a compilation of his columns, articles and essays from 2001 until 2005, the year of publication.
  • In that same year he also won the Peace Prize for Journalism.
  • In 2008 his 'Stinkende Heelmeesters' was published, a compilation of essays, reviews, columns and reports from 2001-2008. In March 2014 he won the 2013 E.
  • Du Perronprijs with his non-fictional novel Yemma, about his mother.
  • The jury writes.
  • "His observations and feelings that come to him are both socially and general and personal and intimate.
  • He makes his documentary a literary achievement of the first order." Benzakour gave the 2014 Mosse Lecture, titled HoMa: Zwierige redder in nood (HoMa: Graceful lifesaver).

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