Bjarne Berulfsen, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Bjarne Berulfsen

Norwegian philologist and professor

Date of Birth: 27-Mar-1906

Place of Birth: Solum, Eastern Norway, Norway

Date of Death: 09-Oct-1970

Profession: professor, linguist

Nationality: Norway

Zodiac Sign: Aries

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About Bjarne Berulfsen

  • Bjarne Berulfsen (March 27, 1906 – October 9, 1970) was a Norwegian philologist and professor, best known for establishing the Friends of Folk Song Club (Norwegian: Visens venner) in 1946 and for writing many books translated into several languages. Berulfsen was born in Solum, Norway (now Skien).
  • He passed his university admission exam (examen artium) in 1925 and then received a candidatus philologiæ degree in historical linguistics in 1932.
  • He taught at Christian High School (Norwegian: Kristelig Gymnasium) in Oslo, and then became the principal of the Oslo Commerce School in 1936.
  • He received his PhD in 1949 with the dissertation Kulturtradisjon fra en storhetstid (Cultural Tradition from a Golden Age), which was based on private correspondence from the 15th century, and he was also hosted at the University of Wisconsin–Madison in 1958.
  • He was appointed a lecturer at the University of Oslo in 1960, then a senior lecturer, and finally a professor of Norwegian linguistics in 1967 at the university's Faculty of Humanities, where he worked until his death.Berulfsen served on the Educational Coordination Committee (Norwegian: Samordningsnemnda for skoleverket) from 1947 onward and later on the Norwegian Language Council (Norwegian: Norsk SprÃ¥knemnd), initially as its chairman in 1965.
  • He was the father of the journalist Torkjell Berulfsen and also wrote lyrics and performed them while playing piano.
  • Together with others, Berulfsen showed how Norwegian folk tales influenced the BokmÃ¥l written standard in separating from the prevailing written language: Danish influenced by Latin and German.

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