Harold Donohue, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Harold Donohue

American politician

Date of Birth: 18-Jun-1901

Place of Birth: Worcester, Massachusetts, United States

Date of Death: 04-Nov-1984

Profession: lawyer, politician

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Gemini

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About Harold Donohue

  • Harold Daniel Donohue (June 18, 1901 – November 4, 1984) was an American politician.
  • He represented the third district and fourth district of Massachusetts in the United States House of Representatives from 1947-1974. Donohue was born in Worcester, Massachusetts June 18, 1901 graduated from St.
  • John's High School in 1920 and from Northeastern University School of Law in 1925.
  • He was a lawyer, councilman and alderman from the city of his birth 1927-1935.
  • Donohue served in the United States Navy, 1942-1945.
  • He was elected as a Democrat to the Eightieth Congress and to the thirteen succeeding Congresses (January 3, 1947 - December 31, 1974).
  • During his final congressional term, Donohue was the second ranking Democrat on the Judiciary Committee, which considered articles of impeachment against President Richard M.
  • Nixon for his role in covering up the Watergate scandal. He was not a candidate for reelection to the Ninety-fourth Congress in 1974.
  • He died on November 4, 1984, in Worcester, and was interred in St.
  • John's Cemetery in that city. In 1987, the Harold D.
  • Donohue Federal Building and United States Courthouse was renamed for him.

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