Ruth Chinamano, Date of Birth, Date of Death


Ruth Chinamano

Zimbabwean politician

Date of Birth: 16-Feb-1925

Date of Death: 02-Jan-2005

Profession: politician

Nationality: South Africa

Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

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About Ruth Chinamano

  • Ruth Lottie Nomondo Chinamano (16 February 1925 in Cape Town, South Africa – 2 January 2005) was a ZANU-PF politician and wife of Josiah Mushore Chinamano. Born in Cape Town, she studied at the Maria Zell Teacher Training College in Matatiele in what was then as East Griqualand.
  • In 1948 she started teaching at Lourdes, a school located at the border between the Cape and Natal. In 1949, while on holiday at Port Elizabeth, she met the Zimbabwean nationalist Josiah Chinamano.
  • The two married in 1950 and shortly afterwards they went to Rhodesia, where she taught at Waddilove Institute, near Marandellas, 60 km east of Salisbury.
  • In 1964 she was detained in Gonakudzingwa Restriction Camp, near the Mozambique border, with her husband and spent the next decade in and out of detention.
  • Paul Tangi Mhova Mkondo was also detained there for sometime as a student youth leader.
  • She and her husband were transferred from Gonakudzingwa to Wha wha prison, outside Gwelo, where they remained until 1970, when they were released but confined to an 8 km radius restriction before being arrested again, being released again in 1974. She was elected to parliament when Zimbabwe held non-racial elections in 1980.
  • She is buried in the National Heroes Acre, a burial ground for Zimbabwean heroes and heroines which is located about 5 km from Harare and which was designed and built by North Koreans.

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