John Baird Tyson, Date of Birth, Date of Death


John Baird Tyson

British Army officer

Date of Birth: 07-Apr-1928

Date of Death: 16-Jan-2014

Profession: military personnel

Nationality: United Kingdom

Zodiac Sign: Aries

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About John Baird Tyson

  • John Baird Tyson, , (born Partick, 7 April 1928; died 10 March 2014) was a British school teacher who mapped previously unexplored areas of the Himalayas.Tyson's father was deputy headmaster at St Paul's School in London, where he was brought up.
  • He attended Rugby School, and was later a geography teacher there for 17 years, followed by National Service.
  • He commissioned as a second lieutenant in the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders in 1947 and served in Malaya during the Emergency, attached to the Seaforth Highlanders.
  • He proved to be an aggressive and very successful platoon commander and was awarded the Military Cross in 1949.
  • After military service, Tyson read Geography at Magdalen College, Oxford.
  • In 1952, he led the first Oxford University Scientific Expedition to the Himalayas - the start of a lifetime's attachment to that region.
  • Between 1978 and 1982, Tyson served as the Headmaster of Reed's School.

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