Claus Pilgaard, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Claus Pilgaard

Danish pianist

Date of Birth: 30-Mar-1965

Place of Birth: Herning, Central Denmark Region, Denmark

Profession: entertainer, pianist

Nationality: Denmark

Zodiac Sign: Aries

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About Claus Pilgaard

  • Claus Pilgaard (born 30 March 1965, Herning), also known as Chili Klaus or Klaus Wunderhits, is a Danish musician and entertainer.
  • He is best known for his Chilismagning series on the internet and on television.
  • For the series, he invites celebrities and other notable figures on several occasions to eat chili peppers with him.
  • One video in particular, where television presenter Bubber participated in the video, received around 2 million views on YouTube.
  • Internationally, he is known for his collaborations with Sean Evans on his Hot Ones series on the First We Feast YouTube channel.
  • Pilgaard has received numerous awards for his videos.

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